Faculty Portrait

Contact Information

Name: Anna Klimaszewski-Patterson

Title: Associate Professor of Geography, Director of Geospatial Lab @ Sac State, and Co-PI of CSUS Paleoecology Lab

Office Location: Sequoia Hall 330

Email: anna.kp@castingmoldingmachine.com

Mailing Address: 6000 J Street, Geography Department (Sequoia 334), Sacramento, CA 95819-6003

Office Hours: Fall 2024 - MW 8-9a & by appt


2016 Ph.D. Geography; University of Nevada, Reno

2011 Masters of Applied Geography; graduate minor in GIS, New Mexico State University

2006 B.A. Geography (Natural Resources & Environmental Geography - Environmental Policy, with honors), San Diego State University


Courses That I Teach

  • GEOG 1: Physical Geography (lower division GE Area B1)
  • GEOG 11: Laboratory in Physical Geography (lower division GE Area B3)
  • GEOG 105: Cartography
  • GEOG 119: Visualizing Global Environments (upper division GE: Area B5)
  • GEOG 150: Programming for GIS
  • GEOG 151: Programming for GIS II
  • GEOG 155: GIS Data Acquisition & Management
  • GEOG 163: Applied GIS
  • GEOG 196Z: California Burning: Wildfires, Climate, & Biodiversity <-- new Spring 2025


Research Interests

I am a geospatial scientist, biogeographer, and paleoecologist with specializations in geovisual analytics, environmental change modeling, and human-environment interactions. My research focuses broadly on integrating quantitative field-based ecosystem observations with climate and environmental change simulations/geovisualizations. Applied interests include research computing facilitation, data standards, and applying FAIR/ICON data practices. 20+ years industry experience as a full-stack LAMP Web developer.


Research Projects

  • The role of Native Californians in shaping forest structure and composition in California’s mountains over the last 4000 years
  • The reconstruction of high-temporal resolution Holocene histories of vegetation, fire, and climate
  • The use of paleolandscape modeling to quantitatively test pre-historic land-use legacies
  • The visualization of landscape change using 2D, 3D, and augmented/virtual reality environments
  • The use of climate sensors and the Internet of Things to visualize topographic and physiographic variations in microclimates and forests


Geospatial Projects

See the Geospatial Lab @ Sacramento State's page for more information about some of these projects. Direct implementation/project development for:

  • CSUS Arboretum Mapping & Assessment, in collaboration with Department of Biological Sciences
  • Map of Belonging Project, CSUS Office of Inclusive Excellence
  • Interactive Service Maps, for CSUS Muslim Life Resource Center 
  • Emergency & Evacuation Mapping + prototyping Digital Twins, for CSUS College of NSM, EH&S, and Risk Management
  • Story Maps & Web Apps, in support of supplemental textbook materials for Macmillan Publishing
  • Mapping for Mildly Scenic, a guidebook to the American River by Ashley Langdon
  • Data mapping, analysis, and AGOL dashboards, for U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service Region 8
  • Palyoplot: an R Quaternary Data Visualization package



Klimaszewski-Patterson, A., T. Dingemans, C.T. Morgan, & S. Mensing. 2024. Human influence on late Holocene fire history in a mixed-conifer forest, Sierra National Forest, California. Fire Ecology 20(3)http://doi.org/10.1186/s42408-023-00245-9

Klimaszewski-Patterson, A. Potential of paleoecology and paleolandscape modeling to inform and identify pre-Contact cultural burning in mountainous forests: case studies in California. 2023Frontiers in Environmental Archaeology 2: 1251149. http://doi.org/10.3389/fearc.2023.1251149.

Klimaszewski-Patterson, A., C.T. Morgan, T. Dingemans, & S. Mensing. 2023. Sedimentary charcoal does not implicate humans in Rancholabrean megafauna extirpation (electronic response to O’Keefe et al. (2023) Pre-Younger Dryas megafauna extirpation at Rancho La Brea linked to fire-driven state change. Science 381(6659): eabo3594. http://doi.org/10.1126/science.abo3594).

Klimaszewski-Patterson, A. 2023. “Ecological shifts and anthropogenic burning in Central California, AD1250–2000”. In Questioning Rebound: People and Environmental Change in the Protohistoric and Early Historic Americas, edited by J.L. Fisher and E. Jones, 82-96. Salt Lake City: University of Utah Press.

Shuman, J.K., J.K. Balch, R.T. Barnes, P.E. Higuera, C.I. Roos, D.W. Schwilk, …A. Klimaszewski-Patterson, .... 2022. Reimagine fire science for the Anthropocene. PNAS Nexus pgac115. http://doi.org/10.1093/pnasnexus/pgac115

Snitker, G., C.I. Roos, A.P. Sullivan III, Y. Maezumi, D.W. Bird, M. Coughlan, K. Derr, L. Gassaway, A. Klimaszewski-Patterson, R. Loehman, S. 2022. A new collaborative agenda for archaeology and fire science. Nature Ecology and Evolution. http://doi.org/10.1038/s41559-022-01759-2

Knight, C.A., L. Anderson, M.J. Bunting, M. Champagne, A. Klimaszewski-Patterson, F.K. Lake, S.A. Mensing, M.D. Potts, D. Wahl, J. Wanket, A. Watts-Tobin, J.J. Battles. 2022. Land Management explains major trends in forest structure and composition over the last millennium in California’s Klamath Mountains. Proceedings of the Natural Academy of Science 119(12): e2116264119. http://www.pnas.org/doi/full/10.1073/pnas.2116264119

Belem, A., T. Bell, H. Burdett, D. Ibarra, N. Kaushal, B. Keenan, A. Klimaszewski-Patterson, M. Mette, S. Naeher, O. Onafeso, A.S. Ratnayake, O. Truax. 2022. Paleoclimatology and paleoceanography perspectives on integrated, coordinated, open, networked (ICON) science. Earth and Space Science  9(1): e2021EA002115. http://10.1029/2021EA002115.

Neeman, H., L. Rivera, L. DeStefano, H. Al-Azzawi, D. Brunson, P.J. Clemins, D. Colby, C. Frye, S. Gesing, J.V. Gyllinsky, A. Klimaszewski-Patterson, A. Phataralaoha, T. Price, M. Tanash, D. Voss. 2021. An evaluation of cyberinfrastructure facilitators training in the Virtual Residency Program. Practice and Experience in Advanced Research Computing (PEARC ’21). July 2021. http://doi.org/10.1145/3437359.3465560

Klimaszewski-Patterson, A., C.T. Morgan, S. Mensing. 2021. Identifying a pre-Columbian Anthropocene in California. Annals of the American Association of Geographers 111(3): 784-794. http://10.1080/24694452.2020.1846488.

Klimaszewski-Patterson, A., S.A. Mensing. 2020. Paleoecological and paleolandscape modeling support for pre-Columbian burning by Native Americans in the Golden Trout Wilderness Area, California, USA. Landscape Ecology 35: 2659-2678. http://10.1007/s10980-020-01081-x.

Neeman, H., D. Akin, H. Al-Azzawi, K.L. Brandt, J. Brooks Kieffer, D. Brunson, D. Colby, S. Gesing, A. Klimaszewski-Patterson, C. Mizumoto, J.A. Pine-Thomas, A.Z. Schwartz, H. Severini, D. Voss, M. Tanash. 2020. Cyberinfrastructure facilitation skills training via the Virtual Residency Program. PEARC ’20: Practice & Experience in Advanced Research Computing. July 2020: 421-428. http://10.1145/3311790.3396629.

Klimaszewski-Patterson, A., P.J. Weisberg, S. Mensing, R.M. Scheller, A.D. Syphard. 2018. Using paleolandscape modeling to investigate the influence of Native American-set fires on pre-Columbian forests in the southern Sierra Nevada, California, U.S.A. Annals of the American Association of Geographers 108(6): 1635-1654. http://10.1080/24694452.2018.1470922.

Klimaszewski-Patterson, A. & S. Mensing. 2016. Multi-disciplinary approach to identifying Native American impacts on Late Holocene forest dynamics in the southern Sierra Nevada range, California, USA. Anthropocene 15: 37-48. http://10.1016/j.ancene.2016.04.002

DeMers, M.N., A. Klimaszewski-Patterson, R. Richman, S. Ahearn, B. Plewe, & A. Skupin. 2013. Toward an immersive 3D virtual BoK exploratorium: Proof of concept. Transactions in GIS 17(3): 335-352. http://doi.org/10.1111/tgis.12038.

Klimaszewski-Patterson, A. 2011. Limitations of assessing synthetic predictive boundaries with computer-assisted classifications. Papers of the Applied Geography Conferences 34: 214-223.

Dugas, D.P., M.N. DeMers, J.C. Greenlee, W.G. Whitford, & A. Klimaszewski-Patterson. 2011. Rapid evaluation of arid lands (REAL): A methodology. International Journal of Applied Geospatial Research 2(3): 32-49.

Klimaszewski-Patterson, A. 2010. Smartphones in the field: Preliminary study comparing GPS capabilities between a smartphone and dedicated GPS device. Papers of the Applied Geography Conferences 33: 270-279.

De Vries, M., C.L. Campbell, A. Klimaszewski-Patterson, & M.J. Desmond. 2010. Grassland fragmentation effects on burrowing owl (Athene cunicularia) productivity. Papers of the Applied Geography Conferences 33: 314-323.

Klimaszewski-Patterson, A. 2009. Examination of vegetation intercept-transect sampling in an arid environment. Papers of the Applied Geography Conferences 32: 322-331.


Grants and Contracts


Chadalapaka, S. (UC Merced PI), A. Klimaszewski-Patterson (CSUS PI), E.J. Mctavish, S.S. Sindi. 2024-26. CC* Regional Computing: CENVAL-ARC: Central Valley Accessible Research and Computational Hub. NSF Campus Cyberinfrastructure (CC*) Award 2346744. $1,000,000 

Neeman, H. Brunson, D., Colbry, D.2021-24. CyberTraining: Pilot: A Professional Development and
Certification Program for Cyberinfrastructure Facilitators. NSF Training-based Workforce Development for Advanced Cyberinfrastructure (CyberTraining) Award 2118193. Senior Personnel, Co-author. $299,993

Klimazewski-Patterson, A (PI).2021-2023. Refuge Priority Resource of Concern Data Support. United States Fish & Wildlife Service (Contract). $20,000

Klimazewski-Patterson, A (PI). 2018. Identifying a pre-Columbian Anthropocene in the Sierra Nevada, California: a paleocological & archaeological study. CSUS Office of Innovation, Research, and Economic Development Sponsored Work Augmentation Grant. $500

Mensing, S.A (UNR PI)., A. Klimazewski-Patterson (CSUS PI, Primary Author), C.T. Morgan (UNR Co-PI Anthropology).2017-22. Fire, vegetation change, and human settlement. NSF Geography and Spatial Sciences Award 1740918. $300,000


Neeman, H., D. Brunson, D., Colbry. CyberTraining: Pilot: A Professional Development and Certification Program for Cyberinfrastructure Facilitators. NSF Training-based Workforce Development for Advanced Cyberinfrastructure (CyberTraining) Proposal. Senior Personnel, Co-author $299,832

Harris, F.C. (UNR PI), S.M. Dascalu (UNR Co-PI), A. Klimaszewski-Patterson (CSUS PI, Primary Author), S. Strachan (UNR Co-PI). 2019. CSSI Elements: Quality Assurance & Control Software Tools (QuACS) to Enable FAIR Environmental Sensor Data. NSF Cyberinfrastructure for Sustained Scientific Innovation Proposal. $600,000

Harris, F.C. (UNR PI), S.M. Dascalu (UNR Co-PI), S. Strachan (UNR Co-PI, Primary Author), A. Klimaszewski-Patterson (CSUS PI, Co-Author). 2018. HDR Elements: Software: QA/QC tools to drive FAIR data practices in sensor-based science. NSF Cyberinfrastructure for Sustained Scientific Innovation Proposal. $600,000

Mensing, S.A. (UNR PI); C.T. Morgan (UNR Co-PI). 2016. Identifying Native American Impacts on Forest Structure in the Sierra Nevada, California: A Paleocologic and Archaeological Reconstruction of Vegetation and Fire History. NSF Geography and Spatial Sciences Proposal 166053. PostDoc, Primary Author. $371,311